
Pizza Hawaii with pineapple and vegetarian ham

Pizza Hawaii with pineapple and vegetarian ham Recipe

Cauliflower pizza base

This pizza has a tropical vibe. And it’s soo tasty. The freshness of the pineapple in combination with the salty vegetarian ham, mjam! And we’ve added something extra, there’s vegetarian bacon on it. This gives a nice crunch and it adds more flavor. It’s a Pizza Hawaii Xtra.

This pizza is topped with tomato sauce, pineapple, vegetarian ham, vegetarian bacon and grated cheese.

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  • / 2 Magioni cauliflower bases
  • / 100g tomato sauce
  • / 120g pineapple
  • / 80g vegetarian bacon
  • / 80g vegetarian ham
  • / 75g grated cheese

How to prepare

  1. Preheat the oven at 220 °C and prebake the pizza bases in 3 minutes.

  2. Cut the pineapple in cubes and the ham in triangles.

  3. Spread the tomato sauce on the base and cover with the cut pineapple, vegetarian ham and vegetarian bacon. Top the pizza off with grated cheese.

  4. Bake the pizzas for another 8 minutes in the oven until the cheese is melted. Buon appetito!

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