
Pizza Chickpea

Pizza Chickpea Recipe

Cauliflower pizza crust

Damn tasty, nutritious and crunchy. That’s the best way to descripe this Pizza Chickpea. The chickpeas give a crunchy bite and are amazing in combination with the creamy avocado spread. The pizza is spiced up by the chile flakes and refreshed by the yoghurt.

The pizza is topped with chickpeas, Garam Masala, avocado, yoghurt and chile flakes.

4 / 5. Aantal stemmen 1

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  • / 2 Magioni cauliflower crust
  • / 400g chickpeas
  • / 2 avocado's
  • / 100g yoghurt
  • / Garam masala
  • / Chile flakes

How to prepare

  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C.

  2. Mix the chickpeas with the Garam Masala and a bit of olive oil in a baking tray and bake for 15 minutes in the oven until they're crunchy.

  3. Bake the pizza crusts for 8 minutes in the oven. Mash the avocado with a blender or fork and spread among the bases.

  4. Divide the chickpeas among the crusts.

  5. Garnish with yoghurt and chile flakes. Enjoy!

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