
Pizza Margherita

pizza mozerella

Pizza Margherita Recipe

Red bell pepper pizza base

Sometimes a classic can be improved, but that’s not needed for the Margherita. Ok, we only replace the mozzarella with burrata. But that’s something we don’t have to justify, right? The classic Margherita is there for you. At parties, on a night with yourself on the couch or as a snack on the Sunday afternoon drinks with friends or family. Because we also use snack tomatoes instead of only regular tomatoes, the flavour is a bit sweeter. Super tasty in combination with the creamy burrata!

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  • / 2 Magioni red bell pepper pizza bases
  • / 60g tomato sauce
  • / 100g snack tomatoes
  • / 1 regular tomato
  • / 1 burrata
  • / 25g arugula
  • / Basil

How to prepare

  1. Preheat the oven at 220 °C and prebake the pizza bases for 3 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile cut all the tomatoes in slices.

  3. Take the pizzas out of the oven and spread the tomato sauce on top.

  4. Spread the tomato slices over the pizzas and bake for another 8 minutes in the oven until the crust is a bit brown an crunchy.

  5. Top the pizzas with fresh arugula, basil and of course the burrata. Enjoy your pizza!

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