
Classic Apple Pancakes

Classic Apple Pancakes Recipe

Carrot Cake pancakes

This classic combination remains a hit. Combined with our Carrot Cake pancakes even more flavorful. For a tasty and nutritious start to the day.

Classic Apple pancakes with crispy bacon, sweet apple, raisins and topped with syrup. Enjoy!

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  • / 4 Magioni Carrot Cake pancakes
  • / Bacon
  • / Apple
  • / Syrup
  • / Raisins
  • / Icing sugar
  • / Cinnamon

How to prepare

  1. Heat the pancakes in the microwave (800W, 20 sec).
    Heat the pancakes in the oven (180°C, 3-4 minutes).

  2. Fry the bacon in the pan and then drain it on a piece of paper.

  3. Slice the apple and top with cinnamon.

  4. Place a pancake on a plate. Spread some appleslices over the pancake.

  5. Then place a pancake on top and spread some bacon over the pancake. Repeat twice.

  6. Then sprinkle some raisins on top.

  7. Top with icing sugar & syrup.

  8. ENJOY!

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